Dad getting kissed by his daughters and wife.

Last Minute DIY Gifts for the upcoming Father’s Day

Father’s Day is right around the corner and you and your kids still don’t have a clue of what to get the hero of your world? We know, life can be stressful. So, here are 5 quick and easy DIY gift ideas for Father’s Day you can do with your kids.

1) I’m walking in my Heros Shoes

All you need for this precious gift are some shoes of dad and water colors. Make an imprint of dads shoes and the feet of your kid. Let everything dry and write the sentence “Walking in my Hero’s Shoes” on the paper. A nice frame gives this special gift a nice touch.

*Easy & Thoughtful

Footprint of father and son with heart and slogan "Walking in my Hero's shoes"


2) The Candy Bar Card for Father’s Day

This gift is easy to make and doesn’t cost much. You simply need to think of what you’d like to write on your card and find the matching candy bar to fill in the missing words.

*Easy & Yummie!

Father's Day card with candy bars.(source:

3) Coffee Cup Excitement

Are there ever enough cups in this world? If daddy is a tea or coffee lover, this is the perfect gift idea for him. Buy a plain cup and painters pens (you can get both inexpensively at Walmart) and stick letter stickers on the mug to spell out ‘DAD’. Then, your kids can have some fun, coloring on the cup in whatever way they like. Remove the stickers and bake the cup for 30 min. Fill up the cup with some candy of your choice and include a beautiful card and you are all done.

*Easy & Creative

Colorful Father's Day Mug wih "Dad" written on it.(source:

4) My Dad the Hero

This is for the hands on dads. You’ll need a  wooden board and some water colors. Get your kids to imprint their hands on the board and write the sentence “We have a HERO we call him DADDY”. You can put some nails on the bottom of the board where hammers, pliers and screwdrivers can be hung on.

*Easy & Useful

Wooden board with handprints.(source:

5) Books are the Best

This is for the bookworms out there. If daddy loves reading he’ll definitely be in need for bookmarks. Printing out pictures of your kids with their arms up and transforming it into a book mark is not only easy but will make their daddy smile, especially if their belly buttons are showing.

*Easy & Fun

Bookmarkt with picture of children.(source:

Feel free to check out our Pinterest page to get more inspiration.

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