Water color cards online and on paper.

How does Anina Takeff Create Exceptional Card Designs out of Japanese and Polish Art

Even as a child Anina Takeff knew she was going to be an artist some day. Hence, she decided to study at the New Bulgarian University in Sofia to pursue her vocation. From this day on, she devoted all of her time to art. In an interview we asked her how this young girl became a recognized artist.

Interviewer: How would you describe yourself and your career as a designer in just a few words?

Anina: As a child I’ve spend hours in my room painting and making up stories. Even then I knew that I’d be an artist someday. After finishing my A-level I summoned up all my courage and started my studies in Visual Communications at the New Bulgarian University. Thinking back I’d say I always made the right decisions and regret nothing.

Interviewer: How did you get the idea of becoming a professional designer?

Anina: In my family there are teachers, doctors and politicians but no one with an art background – so I guess I went on a new path. Character-wise I was always quiet and concentrated – I observed my surroundings. If one goes through life with open eyes, appreciating the beautiful things and has a talent for creating, one has a great chance of becoming a Graphic Designer.

Interviewer: Who or what has influenced you the most as a designer?

Anina: Finnish Graphic Design as well as Polish and Japanese Poster Art have fascinated me for a long time now. Especially the Japanese illusionist Shigeo Fukuda with his accurate and meaningful posters has influenced me the most.

With much love and passion Anina Takeff creates diversified card designs for EventKingdom. Here, the use of water colors gives every card a unique character. Are you planning the next birthday party or even your own wedding? Then, get inspired by the card designs of our talented designers.

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