online cards - Correspondence Cards

Hear the ocean
Pickett's Press
back from the beach
Pickett's Press
Hello crab
Pickett's Press
Dear fish
Pickett's Press
Hello lobster
Pickett's Press
Summer flower
Pickett's Press
Flower Flip Flops
Pickett's Press
Dolphin greetings
Pickett's Press
Lion greetings
Tree in circle
snakes say hi
WOW! Amazing
Isabell Wirtz
Music by Horn
Regal Communication
Leonine Communication
A Day in Carrara
Cork Pop online
Glittering & Proud
Tree Medallion
A Day in Nantes
A Day in Cordoba
Fishy Communication
Nautical Communication
Bird Talk
Feather & Tint
Chirped Song
Quacky Clean
La Familia Green

Browse our Correspondence Cards card design collection for online cards and announcements and choose your favorite. Customize and send with recipient monitoring.

Corresondence cards

Are you looking for a correspondence card to send a note to a friend or thank you card, either online or paper? At EventKingdom you will find a large selection of funny, modern and classic correspondence card designs, whether with a cute fish, classic with your name and address at the top and bottom or from selected designers. Each card, including illustrations and text design, is made with love and prepared especially for you.

Wonderful Correspondence Cards in 4 easy steps:

1. Choose design: Choose the thank you card you like best or a card design, which matches your other sendings, e.g. Save the date card and Invitation cards. Use the filters to find your favorite design faster, whether with a photo or without.

2. Customize the card design: embellish your thank you card with your own text and photos.

3. Select and design the envelope.

4. Order paper cards or send online.

Send Online or Paper Card or both!

1. Online Post: With the Online Post you can design your sending individually and creatively: send e.g. an animated envelope that you can design completely yourself, including color, your own stamp, inner lining and seal. You can also customize your online sendings background design and add your favorite music. Online card examples can be found here.

2. Paper cards: In addition to your online note cards, you can also design and order paper correspondence cards. Additionally you can design your paper envelopes and add address printing. More about our paper product and services here.

3. Of course, you can also easily do both!

Do you wish to test first or order a paper sample?

For Online Post, you can send yourself as many online test cards free of charge to ensure that everything is perfect.

When ordering paper, you can convince yourself of our quality and your design by ordering a sample card before you place your order.

We hope you enjoy choosing your thank you cards!