online invitations - Bar & Bat Mitzvah

Coming of age
Mazel tov, Jacob
Tavern on the Green
Mazel Tov, David
Jewish Festival
Journey to Mount Sinai
Joshuas Big Day
Glittery Shield of David
The Beauty of Simplicity
Holy Scripture
Chloes Celebration
Journey to Jerusalem
Symbol of Judaism
Star of David

Collection of invitation cards with Bar Mitzvah illustrations

Online Invitation Cards to the Bar or Bat Mitzvah – Stylish and Festive

The ceremony of the Bar / Bat Mitzvah is a very special occasion for boys and girls. With the lovingly prepared designs of our collection of Bar / Bat Mitzvah invitation cards, you can impressively and warmly invite family and friends to attend this important day. Take your time and also browse through our invitation collections, e.g. classic and photo cards.

Paperless Online Invitations

For the festive occasion of the Bar / Bat Mitzvah, we placed particular emphasis on the design of the invitation and the personalization with salutation.

1. Design: Choose your favorite motif or upload your own designs. Then decorate your sending fabulously! Send e.g. an animated envelope that you can design entirely yourself, including color, your own stamp, inner lining and seal. In addition, you can customize the background design of the sending to your wishes. Online invitation examples can be found here.

2. Personalization: Edit the text on your cards and add photos etc.

3. Salutation: With the paperless invitation, you can define two salutations for each guest, one for the envelope and one for the card (s). The paperless invitation is in no way inferior to the paper invitation in terms of style.

Bar / Bat Mitzvah celebration with several invitations:

For the big day of Bar / Bat Mitzvah, it may well be that you invite to several events. There is often a get-together the evening before, then the festive ceremony in the synagogue, followed by the big celebration with culinary delights. At EventKingdom there are all necessary functions for such multi-day celebrations. Individual invitations can be created and guests can be assigned to individual invitations on the recipient list. So every guest receives exactly the invitation that they should receive.

Thanks to the multiple invitation function, thousands of parents worldwide have used EventKingdom to organize such extensive invitations. They were as fond of it as their guests.

Paper Invitations to the Bar / Bat Mitzvah

Of course you can also order high quality paper cards at EventKingdom.